0191 549 4872
Here to help, no matter which sector you work in

Trident Surveying has established an excellent reputation with a large number of architects throughout the UK. As a result we possess an in-depth awareness of the needs and requirements of architects with regards to asbestos surveying, and we work in a highly professional and competent manner in order to truly complement the service provided by architects to their own clients. Architects should be aware of the possibility of disturbing asbestos themselves when accessing old buildings. It is important for architects to know what type of asbestos survey has been undertaken on a building and ensure that the inspection was suitable for a refurbishment or demolition project – for example, an Asbestos Management Survey is more than likely not sufficiently invasive prior to a major refurbishment. Building projects can be seriously hindered, halted and even bankrupted when asbestos materials are discovered at a later date and it is therefore wise to plan for this eventuality.
From our experience of working with architects, most usually have the necessary level of knowledge of buildings and a good understanding of the most common uses of asbestos materials and may feel competent to obtain samples of unknown and suspicious materials and undertake their own asbestos inspections. However, we would always advise caution as most insurance policies specifically exclude working with asbestos and this should be established beforehand.
Trident Surveying have worked on a diverse range of projects on behalf of architects, ranging from small extensions to large office blocks. By providing a speedy and professional service with clear reports and ongoing support it is no wonder why we are often the first choice for architects and why we are so often recommended by them.
Chartered surveyors and commercial property agents
Many leading Chartered Surveyors and Commercial Property agents throughout the UK utilise the professional services of Trident Surveying; indeed working with chartered surveyors and commercial property agents with regards to their Asbestos Surveying needs has become somewhat of a speciality of ours. Chartered surveyors and commercial property agents have often commented regarding our high degree of professionalism, combined with our passion for providing quality impartial advice and support.

Our clients in these sectors feel that by using Trident Surveying, they're in very safe hands. Chartered surveyors and commercial property agents tell us that they really value our speed of response and reactivity to their asbestos surveying needs, as we know that with most chartered surveyors and commercial property agents, all too often, a survey can be requested to be carried out at short notice due to the fact that there is a rush to have paperwork completed. By having a number of fully trained and highly experienced staff out in the field and office based we are confident that we can also serve your organisation professionally and efficiently.
Construction companies and building contractors
Trident Surveying are the first choice of many of the UK's leading construction companies, as well as being the preferred supplier to a wide variety of smaller building contractors and private house builders when it comes to their asbestos surveying needs. We have vast experience of assisting construction companies and building contractors to comply with current asbestos regulations, asbestos related issues and providing them with expert advice on asbestos.

Our knowledge, expertise and experience is particularly useful when working with construction companies and building contractors due to the fact that asbestos is present in many materials used in the construction industry, often until as late as the 1990s. This means that no building can be considered "asbestos free” until a thorough asbestos survey has been carried out. Although asbestos has been banned in UK construction since the mid 1980s, certain Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) were still manufactured and used until 1999. It is estimated that at least 50% of all asbestos ever used in the construction of buildings in the UK is still present.
The consequences of failure to comply with asbestos legislation are severe too and include large financial penalties, imprisonment, ineligibility for employers and public liability insurance and refusal by maintenance and utility companies to conduct repairs and installation of essential services. A professional Trident survey could therefore save you a lot of time, money, hassle and, of course, lives.
Demolition contractors
A demolition survey is required prior to any demolition to either all or part of a building. A demolition survey is carried out as a requirement under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations and as stated in the guidance for Regulation 4 in Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012). This however is one of the first steps for the duty holder to comply with the HSE for Regulation 4 'The Management of Asbestos in Non-Domestic Premises' of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012).
The demolition survey need not necessarily cover the whole property. It is often better to target the survey at the specific works which will be undertaken. This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in the area where demolition is planned. The survey will be fully intrusive and involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas, including those that may be difficult to access.

Asbestos Management Surveys cause very little disturbance to occupants as they concentrate on surface materials facing people in everyday circumstances, whereas Demolition Surveys are generally unsuitable for occupied areas because they require full (and often more destructive) access behind facings, into voids etc, to find all Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's), which can produce widespread damage and debris as a result.
Our experienced and highly qualified surveyors carry out demolition surveys in accordance with HSG264 and with the unique needs of the client, site and project in mind. You can rest easy in the knowledge that we have the necessary experience, systems, qualifications, training and insurance to carry out demolition surveys with integrity, independence and impartiality.
Facilities management
If you manage buildings, you must legally manage asbestos. This is where Trident Surveying, a UK leader in asbestos surveying and asbestos consultancy, prove to be an invaluable partner. Trident Surveying has established an excellent reputation with many leading facilities management companies (FM) throughout the UK. As a result we possess an in-depth awareness of the needs and requirements of FM companies with regards to asbestos surveying, and we work in a highly professional and competent manner in order to truly complement the service provided by FM companies to their own clients.
Trident undertake a range of professional asbestos surveys for FM companies including Asbestos Management Surveys and Refurbishment Surveys. We have worked with FM companies on projects including offices, schools, shopping centres, hotels and hospitals.

Health & Safety Consultants and CDM Coordinators
Trident Surveying assist both company appointed and external health and safety consultants comply with asbestos regulations such as Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. We also work closely with many CDM coordinators throughout the UK that are looking for high quality, solution driven asbestos surveying and consultancy services delivered by independent industry experts. Our work with external health and safety consultants sees us pay particular attention to ensuring their clients enjoy a seamless experience, as after all we are representing their consultancy, and do so in a highly professional and efficient manner.

Health and Safety Consultants and CDM Coordinators specifically use and recommend us due to the fact that we are reliable, highly reactive and we really do go the extra mile to ensure a speedy, efficient service, and to eliminate the shortcomings sometimes found with less experienced asbestos surveyors. After all, with regards to asbestos you really can't afford to take shortcuts – lives depend on it.
All Asbestos Surveys undertaken by Trident Surveying are in accordance with HSE publication "Asbestos: The survey guide" (HSG264) ensuring clients receive the highest quality standards. Our Asbestos surveying services will identify and provide clients with recommendations for the suitable management of any Asbestos containing materials By providing a speedy and professional service with clear reports and impartial advice it is no wonder why we are often the first choice for Health & Safety Consultants and why we are so often recommended by them.
We are dedicated to offering a value for money service giving you, the customer, a cost effective solution that never cuts corners on quality.
Hospitality and leisure
Trident have successfully worked with many hotels and inns over the years throughout the UK – from small individual boutique hotels and public houses right up to large hotel chains. We understand the specific requirements in this sector such as speed and discretion and work hard to ensure that all our clients are not just satisfied, but truly delighted with our work.
From asbestos management surveys within the ceiling voids of the hotel guest accommodation to full scale refurbishment surveys of hotels and leisure centres, Trident really have seen it all. We believe that we are uniquely situated to be able to handle the most demanding of clients when it comes to asbestos surveying and consultancy.

Trident Surveying work closely with clients in this sector when it comes to complying with their obligations and regulations such as Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Over recent years we have been able to provide assistance and ongoing support which are second to none.
Due to the sensitive nature when dealing with asbestos and this type of industry, where members of the public are involved we pride ourselves on providing a discrete service as not to cause any concern. We work closely with the client to put together a seamless plan of action that will cause minimal disruption to operations.
Trident's highly professional asbestos surveyors have got a vast amount of knowledge and experience in all types of buildings that are likely to be found in this industry having surveyed and carried out re-inspections to hundreds over the years. It is for this reason why we would go as far as saying working with the hospitality and leisure sector has become somewhat a speciality of ours.
In addition to the initial asbestos survey, Trident is available to offer ongoing consultancy and support to ensure that the duty holder obligations are always met. It is no wonder why we are often the first choice for those in the hospitality and leisure sectors and why we are so often recommended by them.
Office fit out contractors and shopfitters
Trident Surveying have established themselves over many years as the preferred supplier for many office fit out companies and shop fitters throughout the UK for all of their asbestos surveying needs.
Our clients in this sector use and recommend us due to the fact that we are reliable, experienced, available at short notice and provide clear and concise reports every time. More importantly perhaps is that due to our experience of working with office fit out companies and shop fitters that we possess a deep understanding of their requirements, and we ensure we are reactive to their needs.
Trident's experienced and highly qualified surveyors carry out surveys in accordance with HSG264 and with the unique needs of the client, site and project in mind.

Trident Surveying has established an excellent reputation with a large number of retail chains throughout the UK. As a result we possess an in-depth awareness of the needs and requirements of retailers with regards to asbestos surveying. We would even go as far as saying that out of all the industry sectors we serve, that retail is one of our busiest sectors as we have undertaken many hundreds of asbestos surveys throughout the UK for many retail clients. You could even call us retail asbestos surveying specialists.
The challenge facing many retailers is to comply with current UK asbestos regulations whilst maintaining optimal trading conditions in a highly competitive marketplace. Our current retail clients choose Trident because we help them achieve this balance as well as having confidence in us to manage a sensitive subject such as asbestos which could have a negative impact if not undertaken correctly with professionally, efficiency and discretion.
Whilst some of our clients are leading household names throughout the UK and Europe, other retail clients are small independent shops but all have one thing in common – they really value our thoughtful approach where discretion and attention to detail is key and the fact that we will accommodate times that best suit their business needs. Our 24/7, 365 days asbestos surveying service really is popular in the retail sector. Whether you have 1 retail outlet or 500 shops UK wide, Trident have it covered.
Trident works diligently to ensure full compliance with current asbestos regulations on behalf of our clients. We are often asked to undertake regular asbestos re-inspections and compliance checks for many of our clients. This allows all paperwork to be up to date thus ensuring full compliance to the current asbestos regulations as recommended by the Health and Safety Executive and as stated in Regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR 2012).
Social housing landlords and Local Authorities
Asbestos 'is estimated to be present in 90% of all public sector housing' (CES, 2005)1. Trident Surveying has established an excellent reputation with a large number of social housing landlords and local authorities throughout the UK with regards to asbestos surveying and advice.
Out of all the sectors Trident Surveying operate in, we would have to say without doubt that this is our busiest sector of work with our surveyors having carried out Asbestos Management, Refurbishment and Demolition surveys to literally thousands of properties UK wide in recent years.

Our highly qualified and experienced asbestos surveyors have often been commended by both tenants and clients alike for their professionalism, knowledge and approach when dealing with what can be a sensitive issue. All of Trident's surveyors have gained a vast amount of experience working on all types of property in this sector ranging from bedsits to high rise flats in many locations throughout the UK.
Trident work closely with social housing landlords and local authorities to put together a plan of action that is both measurable and achievable. This allows for an effective surveying programme to be implemented with minimal disruption to the client and tenants.
Trident have also worked with many social housing landlords and local authorities on an asbestos consultancy basis, as the guidelines and policies differ from council to council. For example some social housing landlords and local authorities have a policy that mandatory asbestos survey should be carried out whenever they transfer residents, and others do not.
Local authorities and social housing landlords appreciate our impartiality, and the fact that we are not affiliated to an asbestos removal company means that our advice can be fully trusted, and if asbestos management really is the best option, we can help to ensure that they remain legally compliant in order to ensure the health and safety of their workers and residents alike.