0191 549 4872
Control of Asbestos Regulations
Remain legally compliant
Put an asbestos plan in place
It is a legal requirement of Regulation under the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR 2012). It details the measures and procedures which are to be taken for managing the risk, namely:
To monitor the condition of ACMs
To ensure ACMs are properly maintained and where necessary safely removed
To ensure that information about the location and condition of any ACM is made available to any person liable to disturb it, including the emergency services
To ensure the control measures specified are implemented and recorded
Every asbestos management plan will require reviewing and revising at regular intervals and forthwith if there is any reason to suspect that the plan is no longer valid or there has been significant change in the premises to which the plan relates.
Trident Surveying Limited have significant expertise in writing asbestos management plans and therefore helping our clients remain legally compliant.

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0131 510 0662
0191 549 4872
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